EMC² Independent Facilitator -
Joanne Brady-Berry
Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
25 testimonials contain the tag Autism. They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.
Addison from California - AIM participant since July 2008
Tags: Autism; Grateful for AIM; Happier; Healthier; Immune system; Sensitivity to substances and emotions;
Sarah describes how The AIM Program has helped her Autistic son Addison become more engaged with the world around him and develop better communication skills.
Anderson from Georgia - AIM participant since August 2009
Tags: Autism; Miraculous;
Elizabeth describes how The AIM Program has helped her Autistic son Anderson develop better communication skills and engage with the world around him.
Angela from Florida - AIM participant since December 2011
Tags: Autism; Calmness; Down Syndrome; Miracle; Peace;
Angela's mother describes how Angela has used AIM to self-heal symptoms related to Down Syndrome while on EMC²'s Downs Scholarship for the AIM Program.
Claire from Michigan - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Autism; Grateful for AIM;
At 30 years of age, after functioning mentally below the level of a teenager, Claire's autism self-heals and her mental capabilities increase dramatically.
Colter & Lathe from South Dakota - AIM participant since March 2004
Tags: Autism; Miraculous; Schoolwork;
Self-healing their autism with the AIM Program, Colter and Lathe have demonstrated drastic improvements in academic, emotional, social and personal development.
Denise Mathieson from - AIM participant since June 2005
Tags: Autism; Schoolwork;
Denise Mathieson explains how her son Morgan self-healed his Autism with The AIM Program, and was the first child at his school to be removed from the Autism program.
Desiree from Alabama - AIM participant since June 2002
Tags: Autism; Detox, energetic;
Desireé's grandmother describes how Desireé used the balancing energyies on the AIM Program to live her life free of autism.
Dwayne from Canada - AIM participant since June 2006
Tags: Anxiety; Autism; Fear; Sleeping;
I just want to brief you on our daughter prior to being accepted for the Autism Scholarship AIM Program.
Emily from California - AIM participant since January 2005
Tags: Autism; Calmness; Sleep;
As Emily's mother, and the one who knows her best, I am compelled to write this testimonial. Emily is a participant of the EMC² Scholarship Plan For Autistic Children.
Jimmy from Colorado - AIM participant since August 2004
Tags: Autism;
I am writing this to fill you in on the progress my autistic son Jimmy has made since beginning self-healing through The AIM Program for the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing nearly one year ago.
Joey from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2006
Tags: Anger; Autism; Depression; Grateful for AIM;
16 yearr old Joey's symptoms of autism improve. He can carry on conversations instead of repeating words over and over. His anger is under control. This is AMAZING to me!!! Thank you!
John & Lenora Helser from Michigan - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Autism;
John & Lenora Helser enrolled their adult daughter, who has Autism, on The AIM Program. Watch as they share this amazing story of transformation.
Lynda from Colorado - AIM participant since October 2006
Tags: Autism;
I just have to tell you some wonderful things about Alex since he has been on The AIM Program.
Mikhail from Hawaii - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Allergies, food; Autism; Eczema; Family; Flu; Food; Miracle; Rash; Skin; Vaccination;
Mikhail tells about what she calls the "big miracle" in her family since beginning self-healing with the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program.
Mohamed K from Algeria - AIM participant since January 2020
Tags: Autism;
Islem's father provides a list of how his son has made improvements with his autism after going on the tray.
Morgan from Nevada - AIM participant since May 2005
Tags: Autism;
My 6 year old son has been participating in the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing of The AIM Program for about 7 months now on an Autism Scholarship, and I am overjoyed at the changes I have seen in him.
Murtala from Nigeria - AIM participant since October 2014
Tags: Autism; Bent body; Schoolwork; Temper;
Murtala's father describes how Murtala used AIM to self-heal symptoms related to Autism.
Myrle from Florida - AIM participant since June 2005
Tags: Autism; Family; Loving; Urinary tract infection;
I joined The AIM Program because my seven-year-old grandson has Autism. I chose the family plan, which included my son, daughter-in-law, my seven-year-old twin grandchildren and myself.
Nicholas from New Jersey - AIM participant since May 2016
Tags: Autism; Confidence; Nail-biting;
Nicky experiences improvements in autism issues after being on the AIM Program
Noah from Oregon - AIM participant since September 2006
Tags: Autism; Bowels; Bronchial pulmonary dysphasia; Colds; Digestion; Gastronomy; Jejunastomy; Lungs; Microencephaly; Miracle;
Noah's mother describes how he used the AIM Program to self-heal his digestive and lung ailments.
Preston from California - AIM participant since August 2010
Tags: Autism; Consciousness; Eczema; Quality of life; Sanctuary;
Preston's parents describe how their son has made improvements with his autism, and how they have used AIM to self-heal.
Richard from Kentucky - AIM participant since February 2008
Tags: Autism;
Lifelong autistic person, now an adult, goes on AIM and begins making eye contact, doing laundry and cooking his own meals. He has also started socializing, has moved into his own apartment for the first time and continues to gain more independence.
Sara from Australia - AIM participant since July 2004
Tags: Acceptance; Autism; Friendships;
Sara self-heals her autism to develop friendships and social skills to find that life is easier.
Susan from Oregon - AIM participant since February 2007
Tags: Allergies, food; Autism; Colds; Flu;
I first found out about EMC² and The AIM Program back in February 2006 when my sister put her family on it. She told me they had a free scholarship program for children with Autism.
Travis from Texas - AIM participant since February 2009
Tags: Anxiety; Autism;
Laura describes how her son Travis's anxiety and autism has improved on the AIM Program.
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